Frac Water Disinfection


Your On-the-Fly treatment advantage From Pit to Production. As an On-The-Fly Frac treatment provider, we are able to manage your recycled Frac fluid at multiple points throughout the reuse process, ensuring that it is above your standards before it is blended for pressurization.

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Produced Water Recycling


Recycling Programs designed to save you money. With 99.999% bacterial kill and a technology that uses salt, water and electricity to make the biocide, Neptune has found the replacement for Chlorine Dioxide and other dangerous and harmful chemicals.

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Water Quality Assurance
Every Job We Do Includes Our Industry Leading Testing and Reporting

We test your water “live” to give you instant results of bacteria counts while on your frac – why wait three days and find out too late?

After each job, Neptune provides the most complete performance tracking in the industry, guaranteeing the job accomplishes every time. (water analysis, bacteria culture stats and ATP amounts)

These key performance indicators not only verify that your investment in Neptune was justified; many times our data reveals how the frac can be optimized further. We provide flowback testing on every well, confirming bacterial control and help you identify trends which will allow you to understand the production of your well.

It Doesn't Have To Be Difficult